
When we decide to begin working in-person, it will be because the work requires it, such as for many young children, or because we feel safe enough with the local COVID situation to do so. Here are some protocols I am implementing for in-person therapy, and I will also ask you to sign a document laying out expectations for your part.

  • Keeping my vaccination status current, including boosters.
  • Completing a PCR test weekly, with or without symptoms.
  • Taking my temperature before sessions.
  • Canceling sessions if I have any potential COVID symptoms.
  • Sanitizing surfaces between sessions.
  • Using an air purification system that filters the room’s air volume at least four times per hour.
  • Wearing an KN95 or N95 mask during sessions and physically distancing six feet. With young children, the distancing will be less possible.
  • Not using a waiting room, but rather asking that clients arrive precisely at appointment times and/or text from their cars to announce their arrival.
  • Letting you know immediately if I or another client test positive for COVID.

If you have any questions about these protocols, please be in touch to discuss your concerns.